The average house price on PARSONAGE LANE is £216,394
The most expensive house in the street is HIGH WINDS PARSONAGE LANE with an estimated value of £449,051
The cheapest house in the street is FLAT 4 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE with an estimated value of £127,000
The house which was most recently sold was DELAMAR PARSONAGE LANE, this sold on 10 Oct 2018 for £200,000
The postcode for PARSONAGE LANE is EX36 3AX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 PARSONAGE LANE Terraced £189,554 £33,000 25 Aug 1995
6 PARSONAGE LANE Terraced £214,616 £170,000 29 Mar 2018
7 PARSONAGE LANE Terraced £232,147 £132,700 9 Jun 2006
DELAMAR PARSONAGE LANE Semi-Detached , 102 m2 £248,286 £200,000 10 Oct 2018
HIGH WINDS PARSONAGE LANE Detached , 148 m2 £449,051 £290,000 30 Jun 2014
MAPLES HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Semi-Detached £321,766 £82,500 10 Mar 2000
NETTLE BARN PARSONAGE LANE Detached £167,719 £45,000 24 Aug 2000
FLAT 3 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 60 m2 £193,059 £49,500 24 Mar 2000
FLAT 2 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes £195,780 £125,000 5 Oct 2007
FLAT 6 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes £190,089 £110,000 26 Jan 2011
FLAT 7 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 62 m2 £190,650 £52,000 10 Nov 2000
FLAT 1 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes £181,608 £55,000 26 Sep 2001
FLAT 8 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 61 m2 £163,613 £52,000 28 Jan 2002
FLAT 5 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes £180,983 £120,000 15 Oct 2014
FLAT 4 WINSTON HOUSE PARSONAGE LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 62 m2 £127,000 £100,000 30 Nov 2017